The 7-Day Stuttering Shift

Day 6


Day One 👉 Day Two 👉 Day Three 👉 Day Four 👉 Day Five 👉 Day Six 👉 Day Seven

  1. Now it’s time to pick your favorites:

  1. Write down all the techniques from the previous 5 days that work for you. Leave off the ones that don’t.

  2. Then, put them in order from the most helpful to the least helpful.

  3. That’s your Personalized Stuttering Stockpile.

2. Next, make your Personalized Practice Plan:

  1. Choose how many minutes of practice per day is feasible for you.

  2. Then, divvy up practice of each item in your Personalized Stuttering Stockpile based on how important it is to you.

  3. Run through your Personalized Practice Plan until you give yourself a 10/10 for accuracy and 8/10 for naturalness.

3. Have three conversations using a mix of your favorite stuttering techniques. They count if you rate yourself having at least 8/10 naturalness.

(You can look on your List of Listeners Target for potential partners).

4. Complete one Challenge Situation using your favorite stuttering techniques. It’s a “challenge situation” if it’s a 4 or higher on your Speech Stress Thermometer. It counts once you rate yourself at having at least 8/10 naturalness.