SLPs do you want super, simple stuttering therapy?
You want the “Fluency School Stuttering Toolbox.”👇
Feel like grad school didn’t teach you enough about how to treat stuttering?🫠
Does getting a new stuttering client give you butterflies?😬
Feel way outta your league?😱
You need strong, simple stuttering therapy materials that work.💪
You want the “Fluency School Stuttering Toolbox:”👇🏻
What Do You Get Inside?
Easy and Efficient Stuttering Assessment
With a robust informal stuttering assessment on just a page front-and-back, quick 10-point scales for “thoughts and feelies,” parent and teacher surveys, online disfluency count calculators, and more, you’re stinking set.
2. Treatment For Every Client’s Age
With all the evidence-based treatment approaches there are for preschoolers, school-age kiddos, adolescents, AND adults, you have everything you need no matter who you see.
3. Therapy Approaches From All Sides
When it comes to stuttering therapy approaches, I don’t censor. “Fluency School” has direct and indirect treatment strategies, stuttering modification techniques, fluency shaping techniques, attention-shifting techniques, avoidance reduction strategies, and more, so you get everything that can possibly help.
4. High-Value Tutorial Videos
With step-by-step directions—a literal script you can follow—for every technique, plus a live demo video by me so you and your clients can see exactly what they should do, you’re gonna love me helping you on the screen!
5. Done-For-You Therapy Activities
“Fluency School” has fun, done-for-you treatment activities so planning, treating, and client homework are a cinch for you for forever.
Hey, I’m Stephen😜
I'm a licensed speech-language pathologist and pretty easily-speaking person who stutters. After honing my communication every day for almost 15 years and running a private practice dedicated to working with people with fluency disorders, I've put everything I know from the evidence-base and my experience in one place for you so stuttering therapy can be a whole lot easier.
Forty-one percent of SLPs don’t feel comfortable treating stuttering.
So you’re not alone. And it’s not your fault. But guess what? It doesn’t have to stay that way. You can change it all right here.
So What Do You Do Now?
Get your access in two quick steps.
Drink in all the knowledge now at your fingertips.
Do incredible stuttering therapy that makes everyone feel good.😍
“What Do Other SLPs Say About ‘Fluency School?’”
“My 5th grade student told me he thinks this has helped him more than anything else he’s done in speech.”
— Meredith Westmoreland, CCC-SLP
“I have learned more already in a day than in fluency class in grad school.”
— Hannah Miedema, CCC-SLP
“So many SLP materials on the Internet are pure trash, but this one is so good!!! Thank you, Stephen, for making quality, affordable, evidence-based materials.”
— Anna Bartlett, CCC-SLP
“Fluency School” was made by a person who stutters, for people who stutter and those who treat them.
So clients are hooked and trust it from the start.
And it doesn’t come in some spiral-bound notebook written in Comic Sans, either.
It’s beautiful, has crisp, clean fonts, and is easily accessed online. It’s how stuttering therapy materials should be in the 21st century.
It’s also a lifetime growing bundle.
You’ll get every addition for the rest of your therapy career when you buy it today.
Table of Contents
Introduction Video🎥 to help you and your clients get oriented and hyped
Table of Contents so you know exactly where to go and how to get there
Copyright Notice so you know what you can share and what you can’t
Assessment and Treatment Planning Video that lets you watch me walk you through it
The One Page Stuttering Assessment☝️ that lets you assess stuttering on one page front and back
The SLP Stephen 10-Point Stuttering Scales to assess feelings and attitudes in about 10 minutes
Valerie and the Lost Cow🐄 Story-Retell and Reading Passage
The “What Are You Into?” Inventory so you can find out what your client likes
Online Disfluency Count Calculators that do the math for you
Client Stuttering Assessment Survey to let them tell you what they need
Parent Stuttering Assessment Survey to get their insights
Teacher Stuttering Assessment Survey👩🏫 to get their input when they’re not around
Sample Completed Stuttering Evaluation Report so you see how I write them
[Editable] Stuttering Evaluation Report Template you can update and go
Progress Summaries
Client Stuttering Progress Summary Survey to see how they’re getting on
Parent Stuttering Progress Summary Survey to learn what they’re seeing at home
Teacher Stuttering Progress Summary Survey to track what’s going on in the classroom
Progress Tracking Datasheet
Stuttering Education
Stuttering Knowledge in a Nutshell🥜 Handout
Felix the Fox Finds Stuttering Facts
Stuttering Poster for Doctors, Teachers, and Parents
What is Stuttering? Handout
The Stuttering Stats📊 Handout
Early Stuttering Progression SLP Stephen Instagram Post
The Causes of Stuttering Handout
Felix the Fox: What Causes Stuttering?
Speech Rhythm Differences in Children SLP Stephen Instagram Post
Risk Factors For Persistent Stuttering Handout
The Variability of Stuttering Handout
The Top 3 Stuttering Myths😱 Handout
How to Talk About Stuttering Handout
Stuttering Described By People Who Stutter SLP Stephen Instagram Post
Stuttering Tips For Parents Handout
Stuttering Tips For Teachers Handout
How Can Teachers Help With Stuttering SLP Stephen Instagram Post
Preschool Stuttering Goals
Goals For Preschool Stuttering 🎯
Stuttering Information for Caregivers
What is Stuttering? Handout
Felix the Fox Finds Stuttering Facts
How Does Speech Work Handout
The Stuttering Stats Handout
Early Stuttering Progression SLP Stephen Instagram Post
The Causes of Stuttering Handout 🧬
Felix the Fox: What Causes Stuttering?
Speech Rhythm Differences in Children SLP Stephen Instagram Post
Risk Factors For Persistent Stuttering Handout 🚨
How Early to be Concerned About Stuttering SLP Stephen Instagram Post
Your Stuttering is Like the Weather (Stuttering Variability) Handout
Can You Cure Stuttering? Handout
The Top 3 Stuttering Myths Handout 👻
How to Talk About Stuttering Handout
Stuttering Tips For Parents Handout
Learning About the Speech Mechanism Technique Video
Learning About the Speech Mechanism Technique Handout 🫁
The Sweet "Speech Team" Party
Environmental Changes
Stuttering Tracking Sheet
Slowed-Down Speech Technique (For Parents) Video
Slowed-Down Speech Technique (For Parents) Handout ⚠️
Recasting Stuttered Speech More Slowly SLP Stephen Instagram Post
Reduced Demands Technique (For Parents) Video
Reduced Demands Technique (For Parents) Handout
Syllable-Timed Speech
Syllable-Timed Speech Technique Video 🥁
Syllable-Timed Speech Technique Handout
Verbal Responses to Stuttering
Verbal Responses Technique (For Parents) Video
Verbal Responses Technique (For Parents) Handout
Building Self-Regulation
Building Self-Regulation in Young Children Who Stutter 💪
Preschool Visuals
Emoji Stuttering Visuals
Illustrated Preschool Stuttering Visuals
Setting Up Therapy👇
Introduction to Counseling Clients Who Stutter
The Stages of Change
Goals For School-Age Stuttering
What to Do Your First Therapy Session SLP Stephen Instagram Post
Bullseye the Goal Guy - An SLP Stephen Stuttering Storybook
Every Goal is a Good Goal SLP Stephen Instagram Post
The “Growth Mindset” and “Neurodiversity” in Stuttering SLP Stephen Instagram Post
My Simple 3-Step Stuttering Therapy Approach SLP Stephen Instagram Post
Order of Therapy For School-Age Stuttering
Recording: Your Speech at the Start 🔴
The Who, What, Where, and When You Speak Activity
Online Visual Biofeedback
Building Stuttering Knowledge
What is Stuttering Handout
Felix the Fox Finds Stuttering Facts - An SLP Stephen Stuttering Storybook
Stuttering Described By People Who Stutter SLP Stephen Instagram Post
How Does Speech Work Handout
The You Are Not Alone 🤝 Stats Handout
The Causes of Stuttering Handout
Felix the Fox: What Causes Stuttering? - An SLP Stephen Stuttering Storybook
“What Causes Stuttering?” SLP Stephen Instagram Post
Speech Rhythm Differences in Children SLP Stephen Instagram Post
The SLP Stephen Stuttering Treatment Model
Why People Who Stutter Have Some Words That are Harder For Them to Say SLP Stephen Instagram Post
Your Stuttering is Like the Weather (Stuttering Variability)⚡️Handout
Can You Cure Stuttering? Handout
Answer to “Can We Cure Stuttering?” SLP Stephen Instagram Post
Speech Fluency, Naturalness, and Effort SLP Stephen Instagram Post
Learning About the Speech Mechanism Technique Video
Learning About the Speech Mechanism Technique Handout
The Sweet "Speech Team" Party - An SLP Stephen Stuttering Story
Easing Stuttering Speaking
Syllable-Timed Speech Technique (School-Age) Video
Syllable-Timed Speech Technique Handout
Stuttering Modification Fluency Techniques
When Speech Control Matters and When it Doesn’t SLP Stephen Instagram Post
Speaking Effort SLP Stephen Instagram Post
“Rushing”💨 and Stuttering SLP Stephen Instagram Post
Identifying Stuttering Technique Video
Identifying Stuttering Technique Handout
Cancellation Technique Video
Cancellation Technique Handout
Progressive Muscle Relaxation 💆♂️ Technique Video
Progressive Muscle Relaxation Technique Handout
Pull-Out Technique Video
Pull-Out Technique Handout
Preparatory Set Technique Video
Preparatory Set Technique Handout
Light Bounces Technique Video
Light Bounces ⛹️♀️ Technique Handout
Make Sure Your Speech Muscles Are Moving Technique Video
Make Sure Your Speech Muscles Are Moving Technique Handout
Attention-Shifting Fluency Techniques
Focus on Something Favorable Technique Handout
The Negative to Positive Stuttering Thinking Activity
5 Different Times You Can Shift Your Attention While Talking SLP Stephen Instagram Post
Treating the “Thoughts and Feelings” of Stuttering with Attention SLP Stephen Instagram Post
Don’t “Overthink” Stuttering SLP Stephen Instagram Post
“See” Your Speech Technique Handout
Freeing Stuttering Feelings
The “Fight or Flight” Response and the Real Suffering of Stuttering 🥵 Handout
5 Tips for Defusing the Fight or Flight Response SLP Stephen Instagram Post
Anticipating a Stuttering SLP Stephen Instagram Post
Stuttering Solidarity Activities ✊
A Review of Treatments for the “Thoughts and Feelings” of Stuttering in School-Age Children (2023) SLP Stephen Instagram Post
Getting “The Old Story”
Externalizing Stuttering
Invasions of “The New Story”
How to Get Out of Your Comfort Zone SLP Stephen Instagram Post
Charlie the Check-In Chinchilla
Niko the Ninja’s Stuttering Missions
Writing “The New Story” ✍️
“A Day in the Life of a Person Who Stutters, Then and Now” SLP Stephen Instagram Post
Voluntary Stuttering Technique Video
Voluntary Stuttering Technique Handout
Self-Advertising Technique Video
Share Your Stutter Technique Handout
9 Ways to Say the Word: “Stuttering” SLP Stephen Instagram Post
Self-Advertising Shirts and Stickers
How to Not Be Scared of Certain Sounds or Words SLP Stephen Instagram Post
Confident Eye Contact Technique Video
Confident Eye Contact Technique Handout
Meeting Someone Who Stutters Technique Video
Meeting Someone Who Stutters Technique Handout
Grounding “The New Story” in the Client’s Context
Having Rites of Passage
School-Age Visuals
Emoji Stuttering Visuals
Illustrated School-Age Stuttering Visuals
Setting Up Therapy👇
Introduction to Counseling Clients Who Stutter
The Stages of Change
Goals For Adolescent and Adult Stuttering 🎯
What to Do Your First Therapy Session SLP Stephen Instagram Post
Bullseye the Goal Guy
Every Goal is a Good Goal SLP Stephen Instagram Post
3 Prongs of Adult Stuttering Therapy🍴SLP Stephen Instagram Post
The “Growth Mindset” and “Neurodiversity” in Stuttering SLP Stephen Instagram Post
My Simple 3-Step Stuttering Therapy Approach SLP Stephen Instagram Post
Order of Therapy for Adolescent and Adult Stuttering
Recording: Your Speech at the Start
The Who, What, Where, and When You Speak📍Activity
Online Visual Biofeedback
Building Stuttering Knowledge
What is Stuttering Handout
Felix the Fox Finds Stuttering Facts - An SLP Stephen Stuttering Storybook
What is Stuttering From 500 People Who Stutter SLP Stephen Instagram Post
Stuttering Described By People Who Stutter SLP Stephen Instagram Post
How Does Speech Work Handout
The You Are Not Alone Stats Handout
Stuttering in Teenage Girls SLP Stephen Instagram Post
The Causes of Stuttering Handout
Felix the Fox: What Causes Stuttering?
“What Causes Stuttering?” SLP Stephen Instagram Post
Speech Rhythm Differences in Children SLP Stephen Instagram Post
The SLP Stephen Stuttering Treatment Model
Why People Who Stutter Have Some Words That are Harder For Them to Say SLP Stephen Instagram Post
Your Stuttering is Like the Weather (Stuttering Variability) Handout
Can You Cure Stuttering? 💊 Handout
Answer to “Can We Cure Stuttering?” SLP Stephen Instagram Post
Speech Fluency, Naturalness, and Effort SLP Stephen Instagram Post
Learning About the Speech Mechanism Technique Video
Learning About the Speech Mechanism Technique Handout
The Sweet "Speech Team" Party
Online 3D Human Anatomy Atlas🫀
Easing Stuttering Speaking
Fluency Shaping Fluency Techniques
When Speech Control Matters and When it Doesn’t SLP Stephen Instagram Post
Speaking Effort SLP Stephen Instagram Post
“Strong” Voice vs. “Scared” Voice 🏋️ SLP Stephen Instagram Post
“Rushing” and Stuttering SLP Stephen Instagram Post
Stretched Syllable Technique Video
Stretched Syllable Technique Handout
Diaphragmatic Breathing Technique Video
Diaphragmatic Breathing Technique Handout
Passive Airflow Technique Video
Passive Airflow Technique Handout
Gentle Onset Technique Video 🪶
Gentle Onset Technique Handout
Continuous Phonation Technique Video
Continuous Phonation Technique Handout
Light Articulatory Contacts Technique Video
Light Articulatory Contacts Technique Handout
Simplified Fluency Shaping Technique Video
Simplified Fluency Shaping Technique Handout
Attention-Shifting Fluency Technique
Attention-Shift Technique Video
Focus on Something Favorable Technique Handout
The Negative to Positive Stuttering Thinking Activity
5 Different Times You Can Shift Your Attention While Talking 🖐️ SLP Stephen Instagram Post
Treating the “Thoughts and Feelings” of Stuttering with Attention SLP Stephen Instagram Post
Don’t “Overthink” Stuttering SLP Stephen Instagram Post
“See” Your Speech Technique Handout
Freeing Stuttering Feelings
The “Fight or Flight” Response and the Real Suffering of Stuttering
5 Tips for Defusing the Fight or Flight Response SLP Stephen Instagram Post
Anticipating a Stuttering SLP Stephen Instagram Post
Stuttering Solidarity Activities
Getting “The Old Story”
Externalizing Stuttering
Invasions of “The New Story”
How to Get Out of Your Comfort Zone SLP Stephen Instagram Post
Charlie the Check-In Chinchilla
Niko the Ninja’s Stuttering Missions
Writing “The New Story”
“A Day in the Life of a Person Who Stutters, Then and Now” SLP Stephen Instagram Post
Share Your Stutter Technique Video 🙋
Share Your Stutter Technique Handout
9 Ways to Say the Word: “Stuttering” SLP Stephen Instagram Post
Self-Advertising Shirts and Stickers
Voluntary Stuttering Technique Video
Voluntary Stuttering Technique Handout
How to Not Be Scared of Certain Sounds or Words SLP Stephen Instagram Post
Confident Eye Contact Technique Video
Confident Eye Contact Technique Handout
Meeting Someone Who Stutters Technique Video
Meeting Someone Who Stutters Technique Handout
Grounding “The New Story” in the Client’s Context
Having Rites of Passage 🎓
Daily Affirmations Technique Video
Daily Affirmations Technique Handout
Adolescent and Adult Visuals
Emoji Stuttering Visuals
Illustrated Adolescent and Adult Stuttering Visuals
Personalized Therapy Stimuli
250 Personalized Therapy Trials For Fluency
Functional Fluency Activities
Functional Fluency Activities How to Use Handout
Errands: Getting a Haircut
Errands: Going to the Bank
Errands: Shopping For New Clothes 👗
Food: At Home
Food: In the Cafeteria
Food: Fast Food
Food: Ice Cream🍦
Food: Making a Reservation
Food: At a Fancy Restaurant
Health: Calling 911
Health: School Nurse
Phone: Making a Haircut Appointment
Phone: Ordering a Pizza 🍕
Phone: Video Chat
Social: Greetings and Small Talk
Social: Answering the Phone
Social: Asking Your Boss a Question
Social: Asking Your Teacher Questions
Social: Reading the Weather
Social: Telling Jokes 😜
Stuttering Solidarity Activities
Stuttering Solidarity Activities
Simulate a Conversation with an AI Chatbot 🤖
Start simulating with ChatSonic
Themed Fluency Quests
Pack Your Backpack🎒
Get to School
Clean the Cafeteria
Clean the Classroom
Farmer’s Market
Football Game 🏈
Leaf Pile
Get to the Castle
Pumpkin Spice
Clean Up the Farm
Share the Candy 🍬
What Are You Thankful For?
Prepping For Hibernation
Going Camping⛺
Thanksgiving Dinner
Winter Clothing Shopping
How to Get Warm
Dog Eats Well
Open the Presents
Play With Presents
Arctic Animals Eat Lunch ❄️
Martin Luther King Jr. Gets Ready
One Page Fluency Sheets
(5) One Page Fluency Sheets
Speech Day Breakdowns (Routines-Based Interviewing)
Speech Day Breakdowns
Fluency Game Sheets
12 Themed Fluency “Dice and Dashes”
12 Themes Fluency “Smash Mats”
“Hungry Animals” Practice Sheets
Show and Tell Talking
Carryover Speech Situations Scavenger Hunt
African American Clients
Stuttering and African American Clients
Atypical Disfluencies
Atypical Disfluencies
Autism and Atypical Disfluencies SLP Stephen Instagram Post
Covid and Stuttering
Stuttering and Covid SLP Stephen Instagram Post
Stuttering and Bilingualism
Intellectual Disability
Stuttering and Intellectual Disability
Prevalence of Stuttering in Down Syndrome SLP Stephen Instagram Post
Neurogenic Stuttering
Neurogenic Stuttering
Parkinson’s Disease and Stuttering SLP Stephen Instagram Post
The “Purpose, Goals, and Plan For Speech” Sheet
Client Accuracy Self-Rating Scale
Speech Therapy Contract (Homework) Sheets
Parent Monthly Tracking Forms 📉
List of Books About Stuttering for Children and Adults
I get it. You’ve got questions. You’re a smart SLP.🤓 Let’s see if I can knock ‘em outta the park:
1. Is this for the clients I see?
Every last one. The approaches included cover the best ones for preschoolers / EI, school-age kids, adolescents, and adults. Doesn’t matter what age humans you help, the techniques included are for them.
2. Are the techniques evidence-based?
100%. Every worksheet comes with a reference to the article the technique came from so you can click it and see for yourself.
3. The videos are long and dry, huh?
Heck no! I can’t stand long-winding videos to nowhere. Who’s got time for that? Every video’s only about three minutes long with every second packed with value.
4. I have almost no experience with stuttering. Can I understand this and use it easily?
Abso-freaking-lutely. It covers everything you need to know to do incredible stuttering therapy, but it’s conveyed in an easy-to-understand, conversational manner that makes implementing it easy.
5. What’s gonna happen when I buy?
When you click “Buy Mine Now,” you’ll be asked to make a quick login and pay with your card in two simple steps. Then, you’ll immediately be taken to the Introduction page and have access to the whole Package right then and there.
You can download any or all of the materials you need or just play videos and access materials right from your browser.
6. Can the One Page Stuttering Assessment be used along with the SSI-4 and OASES, etc.?
Totally. It has space for the scores from a whole bunch of other stuttering assessments, but it can also stand alone by itself to fully assess stuttering if need be.
7. Can I get CEs for this?
Yes! You can pay a small fee at the end of each module to get between 0.5 ($5) to 1.5 ($15) ASHA Professional Development Hours (PDHs) for that module (depending on its length). You can earn a total of 4.5 PDHs from the “Fluency School Stuttering Toolbox.”
8. Does my access ever expire and will I get updates to the material?
Unlike a lot of other SLP resources, your access will never expire. You can return whenever you like and all updates will show up as they're added (I've added over 21 new resources in the last three months alone).
So, how’d I do? Are you ready to dive in?
If you’re a speech pathologist and treating stuttering makes you feel a little squeamish, you’re not alone.
About half of speech pathologists feel the same way. And only 12% feel comfortable counseling clients who stutter about their stuttering. It is not just you out there, trust me.
Over 10,000 SLPs have the “Fluency School Stuttering Toolbox” and use it every day.
“So, What’s It Cost?”
Total Value
Let's summarize everything you get to make treating stuttering easy if you go for it right now:
1. Incredible stuttering assessment materials so evals are a breeze: $89
2. Short, easy video tutorials of every evidence-based, high-yield stuttering therapy approach so you know exactly what to do with any client: $247
3. Done-for-you therapy activities so therapy session planning is no sweat and actually FUN: $97
4. High-value information on special populations and extras: $67
Total Value: $499
Retail Price
As you can see, the "Fluency School Stuttering Toolbox" is packed with incredible value at $499, but I know that's not doable for everybody, so I took 66% off for a retail price of:
Retail Price: $167
Imagine if treating stuttering never scared you again. Would that be worth $167 to you?
What if you knew exactly what to do with every client who stutters who walked through your door? Would that be worth $167 to you?
How about going home knowing deep in your heart that you'd helped a person who stutters speak more easily and enjoyably? Worth $167?
How about being the best speech-language pathologist at treating stuttering in your school...or your clinic...or your city? Would that be worth a one-time investment of $167?
Final Price
If you've gotten this far, you're probably ready to get started, but I wanna make this an absolute no-brainer. I want you to have the "Fluency School Stuttering Toolbox" so much I’m gonna slash $100 off that price:
Final Price: $67
That's right, a whopping 87% off it's total value. Now, you might be wondering, "Stephen, why are you practically giving this away?"
Well, I'll tell you.
Because I'm a person who stutters. And without a person just like you who knew what the heck they were doing, I would have suffered from excruciating humiliation speaking for the rest of my life.
Thankfully, I found an SLP who taught me how to have the freedom I was thirsting for. But there are so many more of us out there. And we NEED you. So I’m making this as accessible as possible to SLPs so as many people who stutter as possible know that freedom.
Payment Plan: $34 x 2
And if you can’t swing the $67 all at once this month (trust me, I get it), you can pay in two installments of $34.
If you see clients who stutter and want to treat stuttering like a pro, you need to get your hands on the “Fluency School Stuttering Toolbox.” Take the step and get access now. Here’s how to get started:
Click “One-Time Payment” or “Payment Plan” below, depending on which one’s best for your wallet. Enter the login details you prefer, then click “Continue to Payment.” Enter your credit card details and BOOM, you’ll have lifetime access forever.
Some other great authors who have incredible stuttering therapy resources are: The Stuttering Foundation, Stuttering Therapy Resources, Stuttering Therapy NJ, Busy Bee Speech, Brown Cub Speech, and Martha Speech. I’m linking to ‘em here so you can truly find what you need to treat stuttering with ease, even if it’s not from me.
From the Blog:
“The Long List of 27 Incredible Stuttering Treatment Techniques”
This is the most comprehensive (but readable) list of therapy techniques for stuttering you’ll find anywhere. If you feel like you’re out of your league treating stuttering, you won’t once you finish this list.
Do you wanna treat cluttering like a pro, too?
Then get the “Fluency School Vol. 2: Cluttering Treatment Package.”