Tired of struggling with stuttering
And want to make a change?
You want the “7-Day Stuttering Shift.”👇
⚡Are you tired of the struggle every day to talk?
⚡Sick of feeling crushed by the fear all the time?
⚡Are you ready to take BIG action to speak more easily, enjoyably, and effortlessly?
You want the “7-Day Stuttering Shift.”👉
In 7 days, learn:
Why you started to stutter (your neurology)🧠
Why you stutter on certain sounds and words🖊️
Why you stutter more at certain times,⏰ in certain places,🏟️ and with certain people🧐
The one, simple physical technique you need to stop getting stuck so much🥁
7 ways you can turn down the temperature of your fight-or-flight response when you talk (which can reduce stuttering by up to 66%!)💆♂️
How to talk more openly about your stutter without wanting to disappear😎
How to make a personalized speech workout plan for life so you can maintain change for the long haul🚀
What Will You Have to Do?
1. Get inside.
2. Watch a short video and put in 1-2 hours of work every day.
3. See a BIG shift in your stuttering in 7 days.
Hey, I’m Stephen 😜
I'm a licensed speech-language pathologist and pretty easily-speaking person who stutters. After honing my communication every day for 15 years and running a private practice dedicated to working with people who stutter, I've put everything I know from the evidence-base and my experience in one place for you so speaking can be easier for you too. You can find me dropping stuttering knowledge bombs for my 39k follower audience on Instagram® every day.
The Science Behind “The Stuttering Shift”
“The 7-Day Stuttering Shift” takes the best of numerous therapies that help stuttering, synthesizes them together, and makes them easy to understand, personalize, and put into practice, so you can see a BIG change in a short time.
1. Making physical changes to your speech to strengthen your brain’s timing system.
Brown et al. (2022), Ingham et al. (2001), and Ingham et al. (2015).
2. Changing what your attention is focused on to free up more automatic speech.
Eichorn et al. (2016), Iimura et al. (2016), and Sakai et al. (2020).
3. Increasing courage to share about stuttering so less fear leads to more fluency.
Boyle et al. (2018), Byrd et al. (2017), and Lieberman et al. (2007).
4. Defusing your overactive “fight-or-flight” response so speaking flows and feels better.
Packman (2012), Zaccaro et al. (2017), Tan et al. (2022), Saltuklaroglu et al. (2004), and Lunt et al. (2010).
5. Using visual biofeedback so you can see what your speech is doing and how to change it.
What Will You See Inside?
Watch Day One’s Video👀
Table of Contents
1. What is Stuttering?
2. Why Do you Stutter?
3. How Speech Works
4. Stuttering Genetics, Neurology, and the Physiological Fight-or-Flight Response
5. The SLP Stephen Stuttering Treatment Model
6. Pre-Week Video Recording
7. Three Pre-Week Self-Rating Questions
8. Your “Speech Stress Thermometer”
9. Your “List of Listeners Target”
10. Three Stuttering Solidarity Videos
1. How Every “Fluency Technique” Works
2. The Single, Simplified (Natural) Similar Syllables Fluency Technique
3. Visual Biofeedback
4. Speech Naturalness
5. Reading Alone
6. Reading With Another
7. Three Conversations
8. One Challenge Situation
9. One Stuttering Solidarity Video
1. Attention-Shifting to Defuse the Fight-or-Flight Response
2. Focus on a Freeing Feeling
3. Make a Movie in Your Head
4. Reading Alone
5. Reading With Another
6. Three Conversations
7. One Challenge Situation
8. One Stuttering Solidarity Video
1. Sharing Your Stutter
2. Listener Benefit Statistics
3. Speaker Benefit Statistics
4. The 3 Big Moments to Share Your Stutter
5. The 3 Parts of a Share Your Stutter Script
6. Make Your Own “Sharing Your Stuttering Script”
7. Bully Responses Brainstorm
8. Share Your Stutter With 3 People
9. Reading Alone with Similar Syllables and Attention-Shifting
10. Reading With Another
11. Three Conversations
12. One Challenge Situation
13. One Stuttering Solidarity Video
1. Five More Ways to Defuse the Fight-or-Flight Response
2. Base Breathing
3. Progressive Muscle Relaxation
4. Continual Muscle Movement
5. Voluntary Stuttering
6. Cold Water Treatment
7. One Stuttering Solidarity Video
1. Create Your “Personalized Stuttering Stockpile.”
2. Make Your Daily “Personalized Practice Plan.”
3. Three Conversations
4. One Challenge Situation
5. One Stuttering Solidarity Video
1. Create Your Personalized “Relapse Reset Plan.”
2. Practice Your “Personalized Practice Plan.”
3. Three Conversations
4. One Challenge Situation
5. Post-Week Video Recording
7. Three Post-Week Self-Rating Questions
Want help from SLP Stephen, face to face?
Sign up for a 7-Day Stuttering Shift with Stephen here:
I get it. You’ve got questions. Let’s see if I can help you out and make your decision a little easier.
The “7-Day Stuttering Shift” was created for people who stutter age 12 and up who are frustrated with the way they’re communicating right now, have good self-awareness, and are motivated to change.
Some 10 and 11 year olds with excellent awareness, aptitude, and motivation could also benefit.
Each day, watch a 10-minute video of me teaching, doing, or demonstrating something that can help you speak more easily.
Then, work through each day’s practice exercises (usually around eight) until you feel like speaking’s easier, more enjoyable, and natural.
Repeat for 7 days.
Heck. no. Ain’t nobody got time for that! They’re between 5-15 minutes long and jam-PACKED with value, so not a second of your time is wasted.
While there is currently no known cure for stuttering that makes it so you never feel stuck in your speech ever again, people can make HUGE changes in how easily they can get their thoughts and words out, and sometimes even stuttering below the normal threshold of the population at large.
Look, I’ve stuttered since I was three and now speak successfully everyday to thousands. I’m a licensed speech-language pathologist and own a private practice that treats solely people who stutter. I’ve been taking charge of my speech for 15 years, learning more, trying more, and succeeding more than I ever thought possible. Now, I want to share it with you.
Abso-TUTELY! Walk your client through each day’s teaching video and training hierarchy and facilitate their learning, growth, and change.
You can also get them their very own access so they can return back to the knowledge for the long haul.
Nope. It's yours forever and always, until the end of time!
A pop up window will appear where you’ll input your name, email, and a password, then press “Continue to Payment.”
You’ll prove you’re not one of those sneaky robots by solving a ReCaptcha puzzle.
Then, you’ll put in your card details, press “Purchase Now” and BAM you’re in and can start your seven days to more ease, excitement, and enjoyment.
So how’d I do?😎
See How I Speak in Real Life Right Now:
Click here to see my “Speaking In Real Life” highlight reel, where I film myself talking in everyday situations using the exact strategies I share inside this course.
What’s It Cost?
Total Value
Let's summarize everything you’ll get to make a huge shift in your stuttering if you go for it right now:
1. The most important, quick pre-test stuttering self-rating questions: $49
2. Seven high-value but time-efficient videos that make stuttering easy to understand and easy to change: $329
3. A clear, impactful training hierarchy to change what you think, how you feel, and what you do about stuttering, all in seven days: $489
Total Value: $867
Retail Price
As you can see, the "7-Day Stuttering Shift" is an incredible value at $867, but I know that's not doable for everybody, so I took 67% off for a retail price of:
Retail Price: $287
What if you could see a massive change in how you talk, how you think, and how you feel about talking, all in seven, productive days. Would that be worth $287 to you?
What if you knew exactly what to do to get unstuck or even not get stuck at all? Would that be worth $287 to you?
How about knowing how to turn off your fire alarm “fight-or-flight” response so you could think clearly about communicating? Worth $287?
Final Price
If you've gotten this far, you're probably ready to get started, but I wanna make this an absolute no-brainer. I want you to have the "7-Day Stuttering Shift" so much I’m gonna slash $200 off that price:
Final Price: $87
That's right, a whopping 90% off it's total value. Now, you might be wondering, "That’s crazy. Stephen, why are you doing this?"
Well, I'll tell you.
Because I'm a person who stutters. I know how it feels. And I want you to speak with all the fun and freedom I’ve found. So yes, this is worth it to me. Is it worth it to you?