The 7-Day Stuttering Shift

Day 1


Day One 👉 Day Two 👉 Day Three 👉 Day Four 👉 Day Five 👉 Day Six 👉 Day Seven

  1. Record a video of yourself answering:

    What is your name?

    What is today’s date?

    What do you want for your speech?

    (You’ll compare this to a video of yourself at the end of the week).

2. Rate yourself on a 10-point scale for these three questions:

  1. How satisfied are you with your speaking abilities today on a 10-point scale? (0 = not at all, 1 = extremely unsatisfied, 10 = extremely satisfied)

  2. How stuck do you get in your speech on a 10-point scale? (0 = not at all, 1 = very little, 10 = a lot)

  3. How much do you struggle when you talk on a 10-point scale? (0 not at all, 1 = very little, 10 = a lot)

    (You can start a journal for this course if you like to take notes and track your progress).

3. Draw these two diagrams of your personal speaking situations:

  1. Draw a thermometer with 10 temperature tic marks and label it “The Speech Stress Thermometer.” Just like when it's baking hot outside, this Speech Stress Thermometer gets hotter the harder it is to speak. Fill it out, starting at the bottom, answering the questions:

    When is a time it's really easy to speak for you?

    When's a time it's just a little harder to speak for you?

    When's it the hardest to speak for you?

    (Click here to see an example).

  2. Draw an archery target with three circles and label it “The List of Listeners Target.”

    In the innermost circle of the target, put the names of five people that you're closest to: your immediate family members and your best friends.

    In the next circle, put five names of a few people who are one level out from being in your “inner circle.”

    And in the third circle, put five names of still more distant acquaintances, a teacher, your baseball coach, the bus driver, etc.

    (Click here to see an example).