3. Preschool Stuttering (2-6 Years)

How do you treat preschool stuttering like a pro? Find out below:

🚨🚨🚨BIG NEWS: You can now earn 0.5 ASHA Certification Maintenance Hours (CMHs) for this module! Scroll to the bottom and click, “I Want 0.5 CMHs!”😀

Get even more stuttering CEs here.


Preschool Stuttering Goals

  1. Goals For Preschool Stuttering

Stuttering Information for Caregivers

  1. What is Stuttering? Handout

    1. Felix the Fox Finds Stuttering Facts - An SLP Stephen Stuttering Storybook

  2. How Does Speech Work Handout

  3. The Stuttering Stats Handout

    1. Early Stuttering Progression SLP Stephen Instagram Post

  4. The Causes of Stuttering Handout

    1. Felix the Fox: What Causes Stuttering? - An SLP Stephen Stuttering Storybook

    2. Speech Rhythm Differences in Children SLP Stephen Instagram Post

  5. Risk Factors For Persistent Stuttering

  6. How Early to be Concerned About Stuttering SLP Stephen Instagram Post

  7. Your Stuttering is Like the Weather (Stuttering Variability) Handout

  8. Can You Cure Stuttering? Handout

  9. The Top 3 Stuttering Myths

  10. How to Talk About Stuttering

  11. Stuttering Tips For Parents Handout

  12. Learning About the Speech Mechanism Technique Video

  13. Learning About the Speech Mechanism Technique Handout

    1. The Sweet "Speech Team" Party - An SLP Stephen Stuttering Story

Entire Parent Handbook For Preschool Stuttering

  1. Give parents my entire Parent Handbook For Preschool Stuttering for 20% off with the code MONEYROCKS

Environmental Changes

  1. Stuttering Tracking Sheet

  2. Slowed-Down Speech Technique (For Parents) Video

  3. Slowed-Down Speech Technique (For Parents) Handout

    1. Recasting Stuttered Speech More Slowly SLP Stephen Instagram Post

  4. Reduced Demands Technique (For Parents) Video

  5. Reduced Demands Technique (For Parents) Handout

Syllable-Timed Speech

  1. Syllable-Timed Speech Technique Video

  2. Syllable-Timed Speech Technique Handout

Verbal Responses to Stuttering

  1. Verbal Responses Technique (For Parents) Video

  2. Verbal Responses Technique (For Parents) Handout


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