2. Assessing Stuttering

How do you assess stuttering like a pro? Find out below:

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  1. The When to Get a Stuttering Evaluation Rubric

  2. Assessment and Treatment Planning Video

  3. The One Page Stuttering Assessment

    1. The SLP Stephen 10-Point Stuttering Scales (New Version)

    2. The SLP Stephen 10-Point Stuttering Scales (Old Version)

    3. Valerie and the Lost Cow - An SLP Stephen Stuttering Storybook (Story-Retell and Reading Passage)

    4. The “What Are You Into?” Inventory

  4. Online Disfluency Count Calculators

  5. Client Stuttering Assessment Survey

  6. Parent Stuttering Assessment Survey

    1. For parents of 2 to 5 year olds: The 18-Item Vanderbilt Responses to Your Child’s Speech Rating Scale

  7. Teacher Stuttering Assessment Survey

  8. Sample Completed Stuttering Evaluation Report

  9. [Editable] Stuttering Evaluation Report Template

Unsure If It’s Cluttering?

  1. Get my "Fluency School Cluttering Toolbox" for 20% off when you use the code MONEYROCKS

Progress Summaries

  1. Client Stuttering Progress Summary Survey

  2. Parent Stuttering Progress Summary Survey

  3. Teacher Stuttering Progress Summary Survey

  4. Progress Tracking Datasheet

Stuttering Education

  1. Stuttering Knowledge in a Nutshell Handout

    1. Felix the Fox Finds Stuttering Facts - An SLP Stephen Stuttering Storybook

    2. Stuttering Packet for Teachers and Parents (from Thomas More)

  2. What is Stuttering? Handout

  3. The Stuttering Stats Handout

    1. Early Stuttering Progression SLP Stephen Instagram Post

  4. The Causes of Stuttering Handout

    1. Felix the Fox: What Causes Stuttering? - An SLP Stephen Stuttering Storybook

    2. Speech Rhythm Differences in Children SLP Stephen Instagram Post

  5. Risk Factors For Persistent Stuttering

  6. The Variability of Stuttering

  7. The Top 3 Stuttering Myths

  8. How to Talk About Stuttering

  9. Stuttering Described By People Who Stutter SLP Stephen Instagram Post

  10. Stuttering Tips For Parents Handout

  11. Stuttering Tips For Teachers Handout

    1. Stuttering For Educators Course

    2. How Can Teachers Help With Stuttering SLP Stephen Instagram Post


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